Friday, March 28, 2014

Because I agree with gay marriage, am I a gay person?

Newspapers, T.V news, magazines were titled as "Gay Marriage should be accepted?" or "Being Against Gay Marriage Doesn't Make You a Homophone" couple months ago. Of course I am not a perfect person and nobody who is reading this article is for sure. On one hand, there is people against this kind of marriage, and I totally understand but what about feelings and rights? I just was thinking how hard would be my life without my husband. Even though we are a heterosexual marriage, we have been in hard situations that keep us 3 years apart. Now, Can you imagine people who cannot share their lives completely? loans, banks accounts a lot of stuff that only some states allow this law. I agree that people who love could get marry but I am TOTALLY disagree with adoption under a gay marriage. Anyways we are living in a world that could not respect and has not an "open mind" to assimilate it in a good way. Therefore, I think kids will be affected, and I believe that they need to live a normal childhood as any other kids. Life is hard, but I am glad that some states are providing that opportunity for many people out there, waiting for an opportunity to love freely. on the other hand, exist people who support gay marriage but that does not mean who are one of them. Being gay is not being sick, having a virus, or something like ignorant people believes it is just a different way to love... I prefer being love around me and my kids than wars, and murders that unfortunately, it is accepted by the U.S government. So sadly but at the end it is the true.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Obamacare??? any question about this program?

I saw this blog it was very interesting for me, because I just went to the Income Tax Service office to get my tax done, and the girl who made the process explained me about "obamacare" and I was so confused and surprise how the president force people to pay for fines of $92 USD per person if you do not have this plan, the next year it will increase $260 USD aprx. it is ridiculous, how people is going to pay for fines if they even couldn't pay for a insurance? for sure I will need more information about this "wonderful" program, and people like me who does not understand very well it is a good blog to read for some advises that Dr. Mark Thoma gave... I agree with him we have to be alert about this issues, government will always try to find the way to get money from you, and a lot of people is very innocent or in other words ignorant about this topic, I think obamacare program is going to confused a lot of latinos and people who speak another language, even though american people will get in trouble. It should have more information in TV, radio, mail, schools, etc... the author explained very well in details each step that you should take with your insurance to avoid problems and bills in the future. all his tips are very important and I think the same way as him I always call or find more information via internet and be inform about anything that could have headaches in the future. For sure this blog helped a lot and had a fabulous end.