Friday, April 25, 2014

Last blog... and I am thankful, because thank to this assignments I could know more about this beautiful country and its government. It was not easy for me but reading, writing and practice make everything better each time. I read about an article that talks about immigrants. We can take advantages of situations or of people who can help us to solve our problems or get something that we need or want, but NOT  playing with their feelings or playing with their lives. I am not agree with this candidate. In my opinion he is taking the immigrants as toys, because the last elections he was not agree with any immigration reform, but he noticed that maybe that will be the reason because he did not win. Could be possible to change your way of thinking? only for his benefits but I am sure that if he wins he will forget about them, and probably he wont be agree with any help for immigrants even though they are young or children. It is so sad to see how people use their power just to get more Hispanic votes. Even though he changed his believes I don't think he will get to much from that. This country does not deserve people like that. For me, families are so important and they must be together... I know how hard it is, and hopefully someday U.S government could find a solution to this sad problem.

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